Sunday, April 1, 2012
In the nude.
This is so so so SO not safe for work, but if you can, check out Animal's piece on photographer Erica Rimone, who takes self-portraits while doing typical New York City things—riding the subway, jogging, shoveling snow—in the nude. Simone also lets Animal in on her process, which usually involves a sneak attack of boobies
Fashionable ala Ratu Rania
Ratu Rania, istri RajaAbdullah II dari Jordania,
Ia merupakan ratu Jordan,
Ratu rania bukan hanya terkenal karena kecantikkannya,
tapi juga karena gaya berpakaiannya, yang fashionable,
bahkan disebut-sebut sebagai icon fashion kerajaan modern,
seperti apa gaya busana ratu jordan ini?
mari kita simak,
Ia merupakan ratu Jordan,
Ratu rania bukan hanya terkenal karena kecantikkannya,
tapi juga karena gaya berpakaiannya, yang fashionable,
bahkan disebut-sebut sebagai icon fashion kerajaan modern,
seperti apa gaya busana ratu jordan ini?
mari kita simak,
Cantik kan?
Tapi ada yang kurang satu,
Hijabnya mana?
Alangkah senangnya jika ratu jordan ini, yang notabene ratu dari salah satu negara islam ini menggunakan hijab,
Gaya Ratu Rania ini, bisa kita abdosi ke dalam hijab fashion style,
Tinggal nambahin hijab ajha,
tertarik untuk menirunya?
Shawly Hijaber Outfit
Mari kita bahas outfit yang ku buat kurangdari 5 menit, ^^
Wadrobenya ada apa ajha?
Long sleeve shirt, shawl hijab, outwear, skinypant, dan yang terakhir baggy sweater,
saya memang jarang sekali membuat outfitdengan skiny pant,
karena takut malah menunjukan siluet tubuh,
tapi, sekarang saya mencobamembuat outfit dengan skiny pant, yang di mix dengan baggy sweater,jadi baggy sweater (sweater besar) ini kitaikatkan di bagian pinggang,
outfitnya memang seperti mini skirt,
hm.....kalau outfit seperti ini cocok buatacara outdoor, atau camping di tempat-tempat bersuhu rendah,
Nah, buat hijaber yang sudahkangen dengan skiny pantnya, boleh nyoba gaya ini dirumah,Happy Valentines Day!
Yes, it's that time of year again. Love is in the air and so are lovey-dovey images of hearts, flowers, candy, and cupid.
The history of Valentine's Day, and the story of its patron saint is shrouded in mystery. We do know that February has long been celebrated as a month of romance, and that St. Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Romd. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.
Valentine greetings were popular as far back as the Middle Ages, though written Valentine's didn't begin to appear until after 1400. The oldest known valentine still in existence today was a poem written in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt.
So, back in the day, a man did a good deed and he was celebrated. Now, nobody recognises St. Valentine, the man that saved love but people just see Valentines day as another gimicy day to spend money. Personally, that is how I kind of see it. Now I know a lot of you will probably think I am bitter, and to those who know me just know I usually think like a bloke, but what is the necessity of spending so much money over one measley day?
Don't get me wrong, I think going for a nice dinner and maybe a bunch of flowers and chocolates is nice, but going for dinner is something you should do often with your partner. And who needs to be with a partner for a box of chocolates?! Put on PS I Love You, give me a box of chocs and I am sorted.
Statistics show that apart from the amount of money being spent, the next big things to happen on Valentine's day are divorce and pets being bought. Hold on, I thought the saying was "a dog is for life, not just Christmas!?" Clearly now we need to change it to Valentines day at puppies are the animals being bought.
I asked a few friends what their take on Valentines day was..
Carrie: I like to cook for my man on valentines day and give him lots of attention.. I like flowers and to be wooed, he has to buy the presents!
Bill: Valentines day is meant to be for men and women. Why all the emphasis on what he does for her?? If you love your partner February 14th is just another day on the calendar.
Allie: We give our mums attention on mothers day and this is the day for love. You have to let the one you love know it! Boys can believe if they give just that, good and dirty sexy time will follow!!
Rachel: I love Valentines day. I love buying presents and dressing up. I am now two years into my relationship and each Valentines I buy new, sexy underwear to wear for my man. At first I thought it would be really romantic but now it isn't so much. I just expect the presents now and I would be gutted if I didn't get one.
So, after reading what my friends had to say, I was a bit shocked and suprised. Mainly by what Rachel had to say. If you are in a relationship, surely throughout the year there are things you want to do to keep your man pleased. So just on you buy new lingerie to model to him? Just because you are going to stand there in your suspenders does not mean you have the right to recieve a new Tiffany bracelet.
Personally, (if I had a man) I would be happy to celebrate this day of love. Dinner, good film, good sex. DONE. What is more loving than that?! (Ok, maybe add a good porno to the mix!)
Here are some poems to keep you all amused/ happy/ in love bla bla
Roses are straight
Violets are twisted,
bend over love
you're about to get fisted
Roses are stupid,
Violets are silly,
Grease up your flaps,
Cos here comes my willy one for the boys to use of course
Roses are red
Violets are blue
tell me you love me
cos I adore you
Roses are red,
daffodils are yellow
Every nice girl,
needs a nice fellow
So, to those of you in a relationship, enjoy the day of love and learn the history of this 'festival.' Back in the day, a simple love letter was all it took to express feelings. Girls, don't expect too much off your man. Guys, if your girl is needing a bit extra on this day, just do it to avoid arguments.
To those of you that are single, I recommend you take a trip to the shops and meet my boyfriends, Ben and Jerry. They have served me well over the years. They will take away and sad feelings you may have about not having a date on Valetines day.
I would love to hear what you all have to say.
Happy St.Valentines Day..
Hair Headbands Accessories Fashion Trends 2012
Hair Headbands Accessories Fashion Trends 2012
Headbands Transcend age, trends and style. They are always in style and always will be effortless. Picture this: you wake up in the worst day of hair again, try every product in your arsenal. Without any problems! Slip on your head and you're ready for the day. Tease a little hair on the head or put it in a ponytail. Mystery celebrity trick has been for ages, now it's yours, too.
Check out the feathers on this one. Actually consists of many tiny, dyed feathers atop an oval base, and would look great with little-black-dress type attire.
Adorn the basic headbands with beautiful feathers for one-of-a-kind accessories.
Tools and materialsScissorsFabri-Tac fabric glueScrap RibbonNeedle and threadButtonPlain headbandClothespinHot glue gun and hot glue sticksFeather pad (hackle), or an assortment of feathers to create aNonstick surfaces, such as the hot glue mat or Leftover label backing paperFashion headband how-toIn order to feather pad (hackle)
1. Select nice looking feathers. Clip the excess Fuzz from around the pen with sharp scissors.
2. Place a small DAB Fabri-Tac nonstick surface. Arranges tops with quills meeting DAB of glue. Let dry for one hour. Peel feathers from the nonstick surface.
Create a Ribbon flower
1. To sew a Stitch running on one side of the Ribbon with a needle and thread.
2. Pull thread between the sliding strips down to create a flower.
3. Hot glue the Center of the Ribbon flower.
Assemble headband
1. Look in the mirror with the header specifies the placement of the feathers. Mount feather pad head Fabri-Tac or hot glue and secure with clothespin until dry.
2. Add Ribbon flower at the base of the pen hackle with hot glue and secure with a clothespin to dryness.
Latest Lipstick Fashion Trends
Headbands Transcend age, trends and style. They are always in style and always will be effortless. Picture this: you wake up in the worst day of hair again, try every product in your arsenal. Without any problems! Slip on your head and you're ready for the day. Tease a little hair on the head or put it in a ponytail. Mystery celebrity trick has been for ages, now it's yours, too.
Check out the feathers on this one. Actually consists of many tiny, dyed feathers atop an oval base, and would look great with little-black-dress type attire.
Adorn the basic headbands with beautiful feathers for one-of-a-kind accessories.
Tools and materialsScissorsFabri-Tac fabric glueScrap RibbonNeedle and threadButtonPlain headbandClothespinHot glue gun and hot glue sticksFeather pad (hackle), or an assortment of feathers to create aNonstick surfaces, such as the hot glue mat or Leftover label backing paperFashion headband how-toIn order to feather pad (hackle)
1. Select nice looking feathers. Clip the excess Fuzz from around the pen with sharp scissors.
2. Place a small DAB Fabri-Tac nonstick surface. Arranges tops with quills meeting DAB of glue. Let dry for one hour. Peel feathers from the nonstick surface.
Create a Ribbon flower
1. To sew a Stitch running on one side of the Ribbon with a needle and thread.
2. Pull thread between the sliding strips down to create a flower.
3. Hot glue the Center of the Ribbon flower.
Assemble headband
1. Look in the mirror with the header specifies the placement of the feathers. Mount feather pad head Fabri-Tac or hot glue and secure with clothespin until dry.
2. Add Ribbon flower at the base of the pen hackle with hot glue and secure with a clothespin to dryness.
Latest Lipstick Fashion Trends
Estoy muy contenta de estar posteando nuevamente despues de unas merecidas vacaciones y de estar tres meses sin computador. Quiero compartir con todos Uds estas maravillosas fotos que recibí en un mail, transmiten tánta paz!!!!
Un abrazo para todos.
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